Extract test results data from [build(job: "child_job")] object
2018-11-29 09:47:43 UTC

Here is my pipeline landscape:

Master pipeline is triggering smaller child pipelines.

Parent pipeline script snippet:

stage('Integration Tests') {
steps {
script {
def jobs = [:]
pipelineIntegrationJobs.each {
i ->
jobs["${nirvanaMajor}.${nirvanaMinor}_${i}"] = {
def buildInstance = build(job:
parameters: [
string(name: 'branch', value:
"${svnBranch}", description: 'svn repository url'),
string(name: 'buildmajor', value:
'10', description: 'release major identifier'),
string(name: 'buildminor', value:
'4', description: 'release minor identifier'),
string(name: 'fix', value:
"${env.fix}", description: 'fix level'),
string(name: 'buildnumber', value:
"${env.buildNumber}", description: 'artifacts build number'),
string(name: 'revision', value:
"${env.buildNumber}", description: 'checkout revision'),
string(name: 'joblabel', value:
"${pipelineName}", description: "optional job description")
], quietPeriod: 0, propagate: false, wait:
def downstreamJobName =
"${masterUrl}/job/${nirvanaMajor}.${nirvanaMinor}_${i}/" +
parallel jobs

The child pipeline script uses this method below [getTestResults()] to
extract the build test results and it works perfect.

I would like to push this data up to the master pipeline so that I collect
all child jobs results.

I see the return type of build(job: "child_job") is a RunWrapper (
but how do I extract AbstractTestResultAction from it?

Child pipeline script snippet:
import hudson.tasks.test.AbstractTestResultAction

def getTestResults () {
def results = [:]
AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction =
if (testResultAction != null) {
def total = testResultAction.getTotalCount()
def failed = testResultAction.getFailCount()
def skipped = testResultAction.getSkipCount()
def passed = total - failed - skipped
results.put ("Total", total)
results.put ("Passed", passed)
results.put ("Failed", failed)
results.put ("Skipped", skipped)

if (failed == 0) {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Test Results Summary:"
results.each{ k, v -> echo "${k}: ${v}" }
echo "------------------------------------"
} else {
echo 'No tests results'
return results
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