Zipping build artifacts on jenkins
Faad Sayaou
2018-11-08 12:58:43 UTC
I am having difficulties zipping results from a build process in a
jenkins pipeline. As of now, I am getting just an empty zipped directory
called HelloJenkins.zip. The build result is under
*HelloJenkins/bin/release* and I will like to zip the entire zip folder.
Below is my code

stage('build') {
bat '"C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\dotnet.exe" build
HelloJenkins.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=\"Any CPU\"'

stage('zip stage') {

bat 'mkdir archive'
zip zipFile: 'HelloJenkins.zip', archive: true, dir:
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'HelloJenkins.zip',
fingerprint: true
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